1. Service - Reservation Regulation

    1. To receive the latest information and regulations on China Southern Airlines’ Cargo Space Control Center, agents are encouraged to read the information posted in the bulletin prior to using our online service.

    2. Agents are responsible for the accuracy of all information on their cargo, including AWB No.; pcs; weight volume; nature and description of goods; reservation applications; applied flight(s); date; origin and destination … and should release CSN or agent arising from AWB information fault or loss.

    3. Agents should make their reservation directly from the open weight and should apply for reservation first, or call our Cargo Space Control Center, if the open weight is not enough for the application.

    4. In most cases, agents can reserve cargo space on International flights within 15 days from the date of application (one day for domestic flights). Agents may not transact any booking operation after the flight is closed.

    5. If agents need to amend or cancel confirmed cargo reservations, it should be transacted at least 24 hours before scheduled flight time … or contact China Southern Airlines’ Space Control Center if amendments or cancellation cannot be made in time via the Internet.

    6. It will be recorded when agents cancel or amend their reservation and space waste charges will be calculated accordingly. China Southern Airlines’ Cargo Department will report space waste report on a monthly basis.

    7. Agents are responsible to keep their own user information and reservation information safe and confidential … and are responsible for any loss due to user name and password fraud.

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